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Citizenship Award

Citizenship Award at Wylde Green Primary School

At Wylde Green Primary School, we are proud to run a Citizenship Award programme that aims to instil important values in our students and recognise their efforts in becoming responsible citizens. Our Citizenship Award is designed to encourage children to actively participate in activities that contribute positively to our school community and beyond.


How It Works

  • Citizenship Activities: Children at Wylde Green Primary School are encouraged to participate in various citizenship activities, both within the school and in the wider community. These activities may include volunteering, demonstrating kindness, showing leadership, and promoting inclusivity.

  • Recording Progress: Students are required to record their participation in citizenship activities. This may involve keeping a log, submitting reflections, or providing evidence of their contributions.

  • Recognition and Awards: At Wylde Green Primary School, we believe in celebrating the efforts and achievements of our students. Awards are given to students who demonstrate a commitment to the values of our Citizenship Award programme. These awards serve as a token of appreciation for their dedication to making a positive impact.


For Parents

As parents, you play a crucial role in supporting and encouraging your child to engage in citizenship activities. By participating in the Citizenship Award programme, your child will develop essential skills such as empathy, teamwork, and leadership, while also fostering a sense of responsibility towards their community.

We invite you to explore the various activities included in our Citizenship Award programme and encourage your child to actively participate. Together, we can nurture the values of belief, resilience, achievement, kindness, challenge, and happiness in our students, preparing them to be compassionate and engaged members of society.


Join us in celebrating the spirit of citizenship at Wylde Green Primary School!
