School Council
School Council
At Wylde Green, our School Council has members from across Key Stage Two who work together to make a difference to the School Community, Local Community and the Wider Community. Our aim is to value what all people say, to make a difference and have a positive impact on the school. Through regular meetings and action planning, the student councillors serve as the voice of our school and actively work with teachers to promote a better and happier learning environment for all. Meet the School Council:
British Values
School Council members are prioritising the teaching of British Values to the rest of the school by focusing on one value each half term. Councillors work together to find a variety of ways to educate and demonstrate each value to their peers.
Our first British Values focus, during the autumn term, was on Democracy. To teach children more about the democratic process, pupils stood for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair and Class Representative where pupils then had the opportunity to vote for the candidates running. At Wylde Green, pupils have also voted on charities who they would like the school to support throughout the year, along with coming up with and agreeing on individual class rules.
As a council, we decided to continue to support the Bethany Food Bank, which is a worthwhile charity who support many families in need. We had the privilege of Kevin, who runs the food bank, coming into school to deliver an informative assembly to all pupils to raise awareness of the charity and to show the impact the donations raised by our school has on the local community. We gratefully received many generous donations in the lead up to Christmas following School Councils work to promote this worthwhile cause.
This year, Wylde Green are going to support Sutton Coldfield Dementia Friendly Community which is a local charity and The Dog’s Trust to raise awareness and teach children about the valuable work of both of these charities. We will focus on the British value of Mutual Respect to teach the importance of respecting others and expecting others to show us respect too.
School Council voted to raise money for Children In Need by asking children to come to school wearing something spotty, something yellow or wearing Pudsey attire. As a school, we raised £389 for this extremely worthwhile cause by filling the tube, which was as tall as Pudsey, with our donations.