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Wylde Green

Primary School

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Wylde Green Primary School



The WGPS PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) are a registered charity.  Our aim is to raise funds to provide additional equipment for the school solely to benefit its pupils.


The PTFA consist of a core group of members who meet regularly to discuss and plan fundraising events. Money raised goes directly towards future purchases for the school. Over the years the PTFA have funded the purchase of new interactive whiteboards, invested in a new reading scheme and provided Music lessons for pupils. The PTFA raise funds in a variety of ways but are always striving to come up with innovative and exciting fundraising ideas.



The PTFA consists of members from across the school community, including the following parents and teaching staff:

Chair – This year there is a joint chair role shared by Anna Pitt and Karen Carter

Treasurer – Sophie Yapp

School Liaison – Mrs Kelly

Secretarial Duties/Teaching Staff – Miss Paul, Miss J Jennings, Mrs Khanam and Miss Heath

General Committee Members – Ed Pitt, Sarah Starr, Amy Archer, Suzy Parkes, Gemma Glaspole


We are very lucky to have many parents and carers who contribute and help in other ways, especially at events which benefit all the children. We are delighted to have the support of Mrs O’Toole and her team and we work closely with our designated school liaison, Mrs Kelly.


We try and organise a number of events, throughout the school year, that have a broad appeal to everyone’s taste. In the past, these have included Magic Night (KS1), Film Night (KS2) and Infant and Junior Discos. There have also been popular Christmas and Summer Fayres.


We also have our annual Penny Drive where each class competitively try to raise the most money from donations of loose change. Classes with the biggest contributions win weekly prizes and an overall prize and cup. In addition to these events, funds are also raised from non-uniform days for a donation to PTFA funds and from the sale of second-hand uniform.


The PTFA also run seasonal competitions and events such as a Christmas Jumper Sale, Christmas Chocolate Raffle, Easter Egg Raffle and a Sunflower Growing Competition.



Previous Fundraising Successes

In the last few years, money raised has been used for a number of different areas in our school. 

  • A school stage for use in all school productions.
  • A contribution of £20,000 of raised funds towards the new Jungle Gym and playground equipment, with additional funding from school and Sutton Coldfield Charities Commission. This was a huge project but the benefits have been endless, enhancing the overall facilities of the school for children, staff and visitors.
  • We have given over £4,600 to support the Music project, specifically for Junior children. Every child in Year 4 has been able to experience learning a new musical instrument with support from trained professional music teachers.  Children can then elect to pay a weekly fee to continue their musical tuition in Years 5 & 6.
  • The PTFA have raised funds to help Key Stage 1 with the purchasing of a new reading scheme at a cost of £3,000.
  • Funds raised have also purchased a range of computer equipment, including mini i-Pads and SMART white boards for classrooms throughout the school.


How you can support us

If you have any suggestions for new events or ways to raise funds, please let one of the committee know. The PTFA are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to join the PTFA, please come along to one of our meetings or speak to an existing member. You could also contact us via our Facebook page: @WyldeGreenPTFA

Please keep an eye on the school newsletter, for any PTFA meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would love to see new faces!


Updated January 2023


